Changing Times at the House in Ealing

 Front with shrubs2

We’ve lived in our house for 31 years now, and over those years we’ve transformed the house and our lives in many ways. The gorgeous garden was one of the main attractions to begin with.
It still is a real joy.

Garden 1 Looking West

When we first moved in, the house was, frankly, a bit of a wreck. The ultimate fixer-upper. It had been used partially as a rooming house, and some rooms had been better looked after than others. Some had possibly been cleaned in the last 10 years. Others hadn’t.

That was okay, we just lived upstairs in the best rooms, made do with a couple of camping gas burners and a rotisserie grill as a makeshift kitchen in a room that had a sink unit, added a fridge freezer and a dishwasher, (yes, absolutely essential!) and got on with our fixing up.

We’ve kept on fixing up, refreshing and renewing over the years, and it’s in pretty excellent shape these days.

Kitchen 3

In the first stages, it took eighteen months to get a kitchen and six months to get central heating. We fired up the central heating for the first time on November 5th, Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night here in the UK. That’s just our British sense of humour coming out!  There weren’t any fires or fireworks indoors, just a sense of relief that we had a cosy warmth for the winter. As our daughter was just turned two, that was very welcome indeed.

Our daughter became very adept at stepping over gaps in floorboards and learned to balance on joists. I like to think the early experiences served her well for her dancing and gymnastics activities, and kept her alert to possible hazards. She’s circumnavigated the globe a couple of times with no major catastrophes, so I guess that might be true.

Anyway, the main point of this post is to say we have decided to move house. Where, we haven’t decided. But we made that decision to put the house on the market, and let go of this era in exchange for a whole new set of adventures and environments.

We’ve loved living here, we’ve had countless happy times and been nourished by our lovely home, garden and friends and neighbours.

Rear Garden East View

 We’d love to think of the house as being equally loved by another family who enjoy fun and entertaining in the house and in the garden, and just relish being together in a great environment.

If you want to see more, you can visit us here – 


Christine is a psychologist, executive coach, mentor, speaker, published author and poet. With a varied and successful 25-year career in research and consulting across diverse sectors, she now conducts leadership and organisational transformations. As a guide and mentor she seeks to release untapped potential in her clients.

She has recently completed extensive research into creating sustainable cultures for more values-driven, loving, compassionate organisations, with over sixty global leaders, ranging from HH the Dalai Lama to Sir Terry Leahy and The Rt Hon Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business. Christine is a Fellow of London Metropolitan University Business School’s Centre for Progressive Leadership.

Christine is able to adapt to different environments and issues quickly, where she is known for her ethical approach, her empathy, her stimulating and thought-provoking method of questioning, and for her ability to put people at ease. She is renowned for her creative resourcefulness and wisdom, her penetrating analysis, insights and ability to provoke transformational thinking and action for organisations and individual coaching and consulting clients worldwide.

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