How to write a book proposal


Your Ultimate ReSource Guide

11 Key Tips For Writing A Successful
Book Proposal 

from Author & Editor Christine Miller MA FRSA


As a published author, an editor and publisher with over 8 years experience, and more than 25 years in business as a consultant and business owner, I am often asked about the best way to approach getting published.

Of course, the publishing world is changing rapidly, and many writers are choosing to self-publish. However, whether your book is launched into the world via a publisher, or you decide to publish independently, it is still a very valuable exercise to set out your aims and intentions and do the research on the marketplace for your book. That’s where my expertise will help you.

Whatever method you choose, there’s going to be marketing and publicity involved in reaching your readers, and in order to create and present your book in the most effective way possible, you will need to be clear about its content, niche in the market, and what makes it special and worth the attention of your readers. A little time spent upfront can ease the path, and gives you a vision and structure to keep you on track through the writing process.

Following this simple guide will help you identify where your work fits in, then whatever you decide about your method of publishing, you’ve got a framework to work to get your words out into the world in front of your audience.

Cover Page

A nice optional extra. It can look like a book cover, or just contain the book’s title, your name and contact information, and the bookstore category under which the book will be shelved (e.g. Health/Self-Help)


Write this last. It’s the executive overview. Short, no more than two pages double spaced.
Purpose: if the editor reads nothing else, she’ll at least know what you have in mind. Ideally, it will be sufficiently compelling to make the editor read the rest.

Christine Miller's book proposal guideThe Market

This section shows that you have thought through the question of who will buy the book and why.


How many people would be interested in this book? Give demographics if possible, citing your sources. Show that you’ve done your homework.

Other Books

The competition: how many books are out there on the same subject and how your book will be different.

The Book

Take as much space as you need to give the editor a clear picture of what you have in mind. You might write this with an eye to using some or all as the book’s introduction. Set the stage for what you’re going to tell the reader, provide a bit of factual material (with references if appropriate.) Describe any features that will make the book unique.

Content Overview

Chapter by chapter, describe the contents of the book, one or two paragraphs per chapter. Give samples: e.g. if you’re going to use personal case histories, make up a couple and put them with the
appropriate chapters. If you’re going to use quizzes, make up a few sample questions. Indicate whether there will be appendices and what they will contain. Mention that the book will be indexed (if it’s a non-fiction book, an index is a must.)

Book Length, Illustrations, and Delivery

For example: “A manuscript of about 95,000 words will be delivered within one year after the signing of a contract. Illustrations will consist of line art. Colour will not be required.”

Marketing and Promotion

The publisher wants to know that you will be vigorous in promoting your own book. Here you tell what activities you intend to undertake. Spend time researching and writing this section. It, and the one on the market, are the most important parts of the proposal, from the publisher’s point of view. Show that you have the savvy, energy, and enthusiasm to make your book a success (even if you don’t always feel that way.)

Author’s Qualifications

Who are you, what have you written, and what motivates you to write this book? This is not the time to be self-effacing. Exaggeration is not useful, but an honest statement of your qualifications is essential.

Appendices and Supporting Material

May not be necessary. Depends on the nature of the book.

Download as a PDF here: YUR Book Proposal Guidelines

Provided courtesy of Christine Miller, Porto Publishing & Your Ultimate ReSource © Feb 2011

For details of Christine’s consulting services for authors who want to get published:

Contact Christine  

Comments or questions are welcome.

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Christine Miller – The Resourceful Entrepreneur’s Guide

‘Resourceful Entrepreneurs Guide’: some great reviews

“We’re All Entrepreneurs Now”
Marshall Goldsmith, Top 15 Leading Thinkers of the World,
Multi-million bestselling author

The world needs resourceful entrepreneurs. Global leaders from Presidents to Prime Ministers like the UK’s David Cameron tell us so. They are depending on vibrant business to revive the economy.

That’s why this practical, comprehensive book has been created especially for entrepreneurs and all those interested in success at work.

With a Foreword by the UK’s business guru René Carayol, it offers insights from a wide range of leaders including Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus, creator of the globally renowned Grameen Bank, and Lord Andrew Mawson, one of the UK’s most successful social entrepreneurs.

There is invaluable information from top sales, marketing, financial and personal development experts, helping you to define your goals, manage the business lifecycle, get confident with selling, and understand your money and Financial IQ.

You’ll discover how to write books to establish your reputation, learn more effective time management, and be guided in entrepreneurial thinking and being authentic.


“Let this book be part of YOUR journey; a perfect accompaniment for any entrepreneur – and one that sparks ideas and generates momentum.”
René Carayol, MBE, Britain’s Business Guru, Inspired Leaders Network

“It looks really fantastic – great job. I love it – short, sweet and densely packed with no fluff and the essence of what entrepreneurs needs.
Success in business is not necessarily having the right product or service at the right time and knowing how to get people to buy it.

There is something much more fundamental than that and it’s about having the right mind set. This intelligent and formative book starts out by explaining how key priming your mind for success is. 

What then follows is a wealth of information from some incredible business minds. It is also typical of the generosity of the author Christine Miller not to have attempted to paraphrase the wisdom of the contributors but to have designed the meta-concept behind the book and woven together contributions in such a seamless manner.

This book is easy to read and the ideas it contains easy to implement. If you are serious about business and want to discover a fresh approach, it is invaluable reading.”

Tom Evans, Author of Blocks, Flavours of Thought and The Art and Science of Lightbulb Moments

“Christine has an extraordinary way with words. They reach deep inside of you and touch those thoughts you know are there but have been fearful of acknowledging.

Having turned the key she opens the door and gives you the courage and tools to move forward into becoming a truly resourceful entrepreneur fit for the challenging times we are facing at the beginning of this amazing 21st century. Christine shows us how we can put our special gifts and talents out into this world making it a better place for everyone.  

Whatever Christine writes is worth reading – she has a way of getting to the core of her subject making it readable, practical and usable, and her poetry is sublime. She has a rare gift, check out her books and poetry now.”

Lindsay Hart, Consultant, Fundraiser, Strategist

“The Resourceful Entrepreneur’s Guide  – there’s a lot of excellent material in there – well done.”
Chris West, Marketer & Professional Writer

I am currently reading Resourceful Entrepreneur’s Guide to Business in the 21st Century …..very informative and very well written, I am finding it most useful in my ongoing pursuit of success.”
David Ross, David Ross Acting Academy

“It is certainly a book of inspiration, energy and proven skills for the aspiring and seasoned Entrepreneur.
Well done on your initiative.” 

Carole Spiers, International Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur and Awards Host

How to achieve better social media presence

How to Manage Your Social Media Presence for Better Business Results

Solving your digital identity crisis….


The speed with which new social networks and media keep popping up is enough to make your head spin and your thoughts reel, and if you’re anything like me, as a passionate people person, you join these new entities out of curiosity and the wish to stay ahead and be connected.

Fill in the profile, have a look around and then … well, most of them languish unattended, and even remembering where you have a presence let alone the passwords and user names for all these sites is a real challenge.

I know I should neatly and carefully record all my digital identities in one place – and some I do, but sometimes, well, real life gets in the way and I find myself scrabbling through emails to find the login and membership details when something brings that site back into my awareness.

Just How Many Networks and Sites?

An audit showed me that I am on close to 50 different social media, networking or activity measurement sites, and I am sure there are more than a few long-forgotten ones lurking somewhere in my net history! Some have likely faded or disappeared, or been reborn in another form, and will remain in the hinterlands of my web-connected life – unless they don’t…

Different types of networks, with different people with diverse interests, from business to spirituality, art to quantum physics and much more. Confusing, and awkward, sometimes,  to know how to best connect with the rich array before me.

The Web of Life

A few months ago, I joined XeeMe. I added my social presences, just the obvious ones like Linked In, Facebook, GooglePlus, Twitter, Ecademy, my blogs and websites…then I left it untouched. Late last week, something triggered my interest – I think it was a mention of how powerful XeeMe was in propelling his social media profile forwards and upwards by Michael Q. Todd, which I picked up in my Facebook stream. I went to have a look and found myself enthused by the possibilities and the power of what XeeMe had to offer. I began to ‘get’ the purpose that drives the platform.  I quote: “XeeMe is NOT “yet another network”, we are all overwhelmed with networks. XeeMe is actually a tool helping to organize overwhelming presences.” It’s true.

Bringing It All Together

I knuckled down and gave some thought to where else I had memberships, prompted by the very helpful ‘Social Presence’ facility on the XeeMe site, which reminded me of plenty more places I had profiles. I spent a fruitful couple of hours adding and linking, uploaded some contacts, and connected with some of XeeMe’s top performers to see how they have managed to expand their presence.

I then joined a very supportive XeeMe power networker group on Facebook, where advice and co-operation are excellent, and found myself being tweeted and re-tweeted, followed, liked and all those things that demonstrate social media at its best.

Your Entire Social Presence

My social presence on XeeMe was tiny at the beginning of April, as you can see from the graph below.

Christine Miller XeeMe score graph

Since I have spent just a little time making connections, adding sites where I have a presence, now up to 37 listings, and have added my ‘XeeMe’ link – – to my email signatures, my Facebook ‘About’ section, and various other places, my score has rocketed from 23 on April 23rd,  to 630 today May 3rd.   I am now expanding my ‘Entire Social Presence’ link to other contact areas, something I am gradually working through to make it consistent, enabling people to find me more easily and decide where they want to interact with me.

Now I am starting to use engagement and true connection, with conversations and exchanges with people with whom I share interests, being more people focused than network focused, offering value and making it easy for people to truly ‘See me’. It’s fun and productive, and has seen subscriptions to my Business and Personal growth portal, Resource shoot up – I recommend XeeMe wholeheartedly, why not come and join the fun?

Please share your experiences of social networking and media, leave your comments below and tell me your thoughts and ideas.

Join me here


Expanding Awareness: True Potential with Gaetano Vivo

Expanding Awareness: True Potential with Gaetano Vivo

Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 1 of the Virtual Blog Tour of author Gaetano Vivo whose book ‘Messages from the Angels of Transparency: Powerful Words from Gentle Souls’ launches on Amazon on Tuesday March 20, 2012.

Italian born, Gaetano Vivo is one of Europe’s most experienced and sought-after Reiki Masters, practicing in the UK, the US and Italy.

He is a member of the Complementary Medical Association of Great Britain, the International Council of Holistic Therapies, the International Association of Reiki Professionals and the Noetic Association of America. From a young age he has experienced the ‘calling’ of ‘others’ who wish to pass on teachings and wisdoms in order we may make lighter work of our time here on Earth.

Although, due to being brought up in a strict Catholic community, he was forced to ignore this information, he never forgot what he had received. For decades, Gaetano has been treating clients from all walks of life, regardless of faith or creed, believing that the healing power of love is open to all of us. When not touring he divides time between his homes in England and Italy and takes great delight in his garden.

Gaetano’s new book ‘Messages from the Angels of Transparency: Powerful Words from Gentle Souls’ addresses the questions:
“Could wise and wonderful beings contact us from beyond this world and unveil our true potential?

messages_from_the_angels_of_transparency2-300x300  Would knowing that we really mattered enable us to uncover the truth behind our reason for living?”

This fascinating book offers answers, spiritual practices and comprehensive meditations by teacher, healer and author, Gaetano Vivo, which have the potential to strengthen, heal and transform lives and bring hope and inspiration. It also clarifies the true nature of Reiki as a simple, yet profound tool for accessing and accepting the power of universal energy—what we might call ‘love’ or ‘God’—and touches on our fundamental dilemma: Who are we and why do we exist?

More than 20,000 people have already enjoyed Gaetano’s earlier offerings in both English and Italian. This book offers the reader a chance to digest messages from ‘higher beings’ for greater understanding of our own personal evolution. Anyone seeking to live a happier, better life, and has felt the desire to undertake life with greater confidence and self-worth, will relish this book.

Today, I’d like to share with you a recent interview I had with Gaetano when I got to ask him some questions on life story, love/forgiveness and raising your awareness.
I hope you enjoy it.

Christine Miller: Gaetano, tell me what inspired the messages in your book, and what happened in your life that prompted you to write the Angels of Transparency?

Gaetano Vivo: A few years ago I was going through a personal crisis.  I was teaching a Reiki III class in Naples and during a meditation a big group of Angels appeared before me. They called themselves the Angels of Transparency. It was a big group and the ones that I could clearly see were a group of children angels that were prompting me to stop, stay still and work on myself. They told me how important it was for me to address some issues with my inner child and that was going to be the most important thing for me to do at that time in my life. During this work with my inner child I learned to cherish, nurture and feed him with great love and through this journey of self-discovery I gathered the inspiration to write “Messages from the Angels of Transparency”.

Christine Miller: How important are Love and Forgiveness in expanding our awareness and creating a more peaceful world for ourselves and for the human race?

Gaetano Vivo: Love is the most important thing we have. Receiving and giving love is the most beautiful thing that an individual can experience in his life. Love is the tool that allows us to expand awareness and create a peaceful world around us. It is so important to reach love for ourselves, like healing the inner child, so that we are able to use the power of love to heal others around us. We have to go through a great journey of forgiveness and self-love. Once we have healed ourselves we can move forward into our next step of healing others.

Christine Miller: What stories and meditations would you like to share about working with the archangels which our readers can use now to raise their awareness?

Gaetano Vivo: There are several stories that I could talk about that happened during the writing of my book. The one that has helped me the most is working with my inner child. Realizing that we have a little angel that lives in our heart it is the most important thing, in my opinion, that can happen to us. Working with the inner child and coming to terms with certain things that have happened to you in the past and healing them there is one of the most important parts of this process. So call upon Archangel Raphael who appears with the Angels of Transparency to help you heal your inner child. Working with him you will see how important it is to cherish, nurture and feed him with this great love that both of you need.

I hope you enjoyed this interview with Gaetano Vivo and that you’ll check out his book ‘Messages from the Angels of Transparency: Powerful Words from Gentle Souls’ at

Here’s why:

Accessing Higher Dimensions Telesummit

11 Higher Dimensional Mentors Share Their Wisdom

FR*EE 3-Day Online Event

March 13th, 14th & 15th, 2012

12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern/8pm UK

Here’s Gaetano’s wonderful guest line-up:

  • Gaetano Vivo – Reiki Master, channeler, author of Messages from the Angels of Transparency: Powerful Words from Gentle Souls
  • Lynn Serafinn – Coach; marketer; author of The 7 Graces of Marketing and The Garden of the Soul
  • Wayne Kealohi Powell – holistic health educator, speaker, minister, author
  • Dr Jude Currivan – cosmologist, planetary healer, author, futurist
  • Asia Voight – intuitive counsellor, animal communicator, teacher, author
  • Barbara Meiklejohn-Free – shaman, author, custodian of ancestral wisdoms
  • Lorraine Recchia – angel communicator, angel reader, television host
  • Eva-Maria Mora – medical intuitive, author, founder Quantum Angel Healing
  • Susie Anthony – spiritual mentor, super-luminal guide channeler
  • E.Dee Conrad – channeler, bestselling author of A New Dawn Awaits
  • Celia Fenn – Channel for Archangel Michael, spiritual facilitator, writer, speaker

This special 3-Day telesummit is Gaetano’s FR*EE gift to you,

to celebrate the launch of his book, which is coming

Tuesday March 20, 2012.


When you buy Gaetano’s book on Tuesday March 20, 2012, Gaetano would like to give you the MP3 downloads from the “Accessing Higher Dimensions Telesummit” PLUS an invitation to attend a special 1-hour “Inner Child Meditation” led by Gaetano in April.

AND… you’ll also receive a complete library of beautiful personal development gifts from authors, speakers, coaches and other enlightened professionals from around the globe including one from me:

‘Secret Garden of the Soul’
A Selection of Poems
To Move Hearts, Minds and Souls

To claim your FREE pass to the

Accessing Higher Dimensions Telesummit

and read about the fre*e gifts, go to:

Thanks for reading! As usual, please feel free to share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback.

AND… be sure to follow Gaetano tomorrow when the next stop on the Virtual Blog Tour is Kate Beddow, who will be interviewing Gaetano on his inspiration, working with your inner child and reiki. To visit that “stop” on the tour, go to Kate Beddow’s Growing Spirit.

Responsible Reporting, Open Journalism

This recent advert from the Guardian in the UK is brilliant and thought provoking.

Based on a modern day interpretation of the 'Three Little Pigs', it demonstrates how perspective, opinion, bias, assumptions creep in to distort the 'story', and how an (apparently) simple children's tale can be interpreted from so many different angles, with lots of huffing and puffing.

Great job and so relevant.

[jwplayer mediaid=”1705″]

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