How to achieve better social media presence

How to Manage Your Social Media Presence for Better Business Results

Solving your digital identity crisis….


The speed with which new social networks and media keep popping up is enough to make your head spin and your thoughts reel, and if you’re anything like me, as a passionate people person, you join these new entities out of curiosity and the wish to stay ahead and be connected.

Fill in the profile, have a look around and then … well, most of them languish unattended, and even remembering where you have a presence let alone the passwords and user names for all these sites is a real challenge.

I know I should neatly and carefully record all my digital identities in one place – and some I do, but sometimes, well, real life gets in the way and I find myself scrabbling through emails to find the login and membership details when something brings that site back into my awareness.

Just How Many Networks and Sites?

An audit showed me that I am on close to 50 different social media, networking or activity measurement sites, and I am sure there are more than a few long-forgotten ones lurking somewhere in my net history! Some have likely faded or disappeared, or been reborn in another form, and will remain in the hinterlands of my web-connected life – unless they don’t…

Different types of networks, with different people with diverse interests, from business to spirituality, art to quantum physics and much more. Confusing, and awkward, sometimes,  to know how to best connect with the rich array before me.

The Web of Life

A few months ago, I joined XeeMe. I added my social presences, just the obvious ones like Linked In, Facebook, GooglePlus, Twitter, Ecademy, my blogs and websites…then I left it untouched. Late last week, something triggered my interest – I think it was a mention of how powerful XeeMe was in propelling his social media profile forwards and upwards by Michael Q. Todd, which I picked up in my Facebook stream. I went to have a look and found myself enthused by the possibilities and the power of what XeeMe had to offer. I began to ‘get’ the purpose that drives the platform.  I quote: “XeeMe is NOT “yet another network”, we are all overwhelmed with networks. XeeMe is actually a tool helping to organize overwhelming presences.” It’s true.

Bringing It All Together

I knuckled down and gave some thought to where else I had memberships, prompted by the very helpful ‘Social Presence’ facility on the XeeMe site, which reminded me of plenty more places I had profiles. I spent a fruitful couple of hours adding and linking, uploaded some contacts, and connected with some of XeeMe’s top performers to see how they have managed to expand their presence.

I then joined a very supportive XeeMe power networker group on Facebook, where advice and co-operation are excellent, and found myself being tweeted and re-tweeted, followed, liked and all those things that demonstrate social media at its best.

Your Entire Social Presence

My social presence on XeeMe was tiny at the beginning of April, as you can see from the graph below.

Christine Miller XeeMe score graph

Since I have spent just a little time making connections, adding sites where I have a presence, now up to 37 listings, and have added my ‘XeeMe’ link – – to my email signatures, my Facebook ‘About’ section, and various other places, my score has rocketed from 23 on April 23rd,  to 630 today May 3rd.   I am now expanding my ‘Entire Social Presence’ link to other contact areas, something I am gradually working through to make it consistent, enabling people to find me more easily and decide where they want to interact with me.

Now I am starting to use engagement and true connection, with conversations and exchanges with people with whom I share interests, being more people focused than network focused, offering value and making it easy for people to truly ‘See me’. It’s fun and productive, and has seen subscriptions to my Business and Personal growth portal, Resource shoot up – I recommend XeeMe wholeheartedly, why not come and join the fun?

Please share your experiences of social networking and media, leave your comments below and tell me your thoughts and ideas.

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New ReSource hot off the press

It’s been a busy few weeks getting this edition of ReSource off to print, and there are some really great interviews and articles which I’ve really enjoyed preparing.

I also relished designing the fresh summer cover –

ReSource Edition 17

ReSource Edition 17

Some snippets

‘Generation Y’ has featured  strongly, it wasn’t an intentional thing, simply that it was topical amongst the people I was speaking to.

Generalisation about any group is not ideal, and can be dangerous, and we acknowlede that there are always exceptions, yet Don Tapscott, Marshall Goldsmith, Kate Sweetman and Marcus Buckingham are all talking about the differences between this group of 16 – 31 year olds and the ‘boomers’ – the message is that they are flexible, value-driven and aren’t impressed by materialism in the way previous generations have been – they won’t compromise their ideals.

Kate Sweetman talks about the fact that Gen Y ‘s values, needs and wants are very similar to those that women have traditionally upheld –

“I predict that companies that can solve the C-level gender gap will also win the Talent war for the best and the brightest in Gen Y.  What women have always wanted and what Gen Y demands are virtually the same things.”

Don Tapscott advocates listening to young people and acting on their input. He says of the Net Generation:

“they are the first ever global generation, and they are defined by these eight norms. If you are designing a company, a brand, a marketing programme, or a government, it doesn’t matter what it is, these eight norms need to be at the centre of it.”

Marcus Buckingham (in London next week – check out his June 10 event here – ReSource will be there as a media partner) noted:

“All the research that I have seen shows that Gen Y is a ‘volunteerist’ generation, and an optimistic generation, but they are clueless about what it takes to perform”

Marshall Goldmsith has some great advice:

“For young people, my advice is that the world you are growing up in is a much more competitive world than the world I grew up in. Make sure you love what you do, or you are going to be living in what I call ‘New Age Professional Hell’“.

These are just a selection from the host of valuable, great articles covering a range of topics from business leadership and personal success to spirituality and well-being – check out and subscribe so you don’t miss out on a truly great ReSource!

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