How to Build Your Self Esteem

Building Your Self Esteem

how to build your selfesteem christine miller

“Dear Christine,

Progress in my life has been dogged by very low self esteem – always as a child put down by my mother and lately by my husband.
Do I have to go through life like this? Help!”

PJ, London, UK


Dear PJ,

First of all, I’d like to commend you for writing to ask for help. That’s an excellent step towards taking charge of your life now, and becoming more confident in asking for your needs to be met.  Also, acknowledging that sometimes you feel less good about yourself is another healthy step towards building your self worth and love for yourself.  And, be assured, if you decide to do so, then you can certainly change the way you go through life.

Now I’m going to make an assumption that since you’re asking for advice, you have decided that you want to make changes in the way you are going through your life. I’m also going to assume that you’re prepared to consider the suggestions that may be offered to you – and when you choose, to take action on those suggestions.

As I can’t ask you directly how you would define self-esteem, then let me describe what self-esteem means to me both professionally and personally.

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How to Develop Motivation & Zest for Life

Developing Motivation & Zest for Life

“Dear Christine,

Zest for LifeI have read several self help books. Tried several techniques. On many occasions have attempted to start a journal, hoping to work on goals, self esteem and prosperity creation.
However good a start I make I find it so difficult to keep motivated, my self doubt creeps in. Being motivated and having enthusiasm for things in life has been a great problem for me since the loss of both my parents and my partner over a period of eight months. Any advice on how I can regain my zest and love for life? I have tried many things all to no avail: is there any hope for me?”  
JR, Durham, UK

Dear JR

First of all, allow me to express my sympathy for your loss of your parents and your partner over a very short period of time. Such loss certainly requires a period of mourning and readjustment which will not necessarily be swift. It is perfectly normal and even desirable to have many feelings – of sadness, loneliness and even hopelessness – when faced with the gaps in our lives left by the departure of loved ones, whether through death or separation. Acknowledging and even welcoming these feelings is an important part of the process of recovery, and

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Workshops, Training & Talks


Christine MillerAn accomplished, informative and entertaining public speaker, Christine has delivered over 500 workshops and talks to international audiences ranging from 20 to 2,000, on a range of topics within the personal and business growth subject area including:


  • The Changing Landscape of Conscious Leadership
  • Empathy, Caring & Compassion in Organisations
  • Love at Work – the impact on performance and profit
  • Leading with Meaning and Purpose  – why Love counts 
  • Values Based Leadership
  • The Stakeholder Model of Employee Engagement 
  • Courageous Leadership for Successful Organisations
  • Leadership for Inclusive Capitalism 
  • The Power of Love in the Boardroom
  • The Hidden Language of Leadership
  • How to Develop a Resourceful Mind
  • Resourceful Intelligence – beyond EQ
  • The Power of Thought
  • Understanding the Human Brain
  • Breakthrough to Success
  • Setting and Achieving Goals
  • Presentation Skills
  • Time Management
  • Communication in Action
  • How to Deliver Bad News
  • Managing Your State of Mind
  • Creating Your Personal Welfare State
  • Handling Difficult People and Situations
  • Transforming Teams
  • Being a Resourceful Candidate
  • How to be a Resourceful Entrepreneur

Christine offers the following work and playshops:

  • Conscious Leadership
  • Masques and Roles™
  • Resourceful State™
  • Rewriting the Script™
  • The Resourceful Candidate
  • The Resourceful Entrepreneur

These are seminars and workshops in growth and development, and she also offers training for others in the coaching processes and techniques she has developed.

Her workshop “The Creative State” facilitates the release of creative energies allowing participants to bring through heartfelt messages from the soul for personal, corporate and global transformation.


News, Events, Services

Poetry is one of my great passions in life, and having my first volume published was a time of great excitement. I offer personal and spiritual growth workshops based on the learnings and experiences I write about in my poems. They are great fun, very inspiring and usually sell out very quickly. Find out more about them by visiting Masques and Roles

Based on my wide and deep experiences in business and life, there are a number of other workshops, playshops and seminars available, including a recently added programme 'The Resourceful Candidate' which is designed to transform your career by making you the ideal candidate who stands out from the crowd. 

What to read at a wedding?

Val-Corbett-202x300I’m often asked by people who’ve been asked to read at wedding services if I can recommend a poem or recitation that isn’t uber-sweet and syrupy or hackneyed.

The wonderful, vivacious Lady Val Corbett, Director of the brilliant  ‘Hoxton Apprentice‘ social enterprise, and networker extraordinaire, sent me this reading which was part of the service at  her daughter’s recent wedding…such beautiful words, truly moving and apposite.

I have been a long time fan of Robert Fulghum’s  “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” which I regularly display on the wall in my seminars and workshops, and had not realised his writing is so powerful, lyrical and wide ranging. There’s a link to his site in his name below, check out the delicious ‘Winter Count’.


‘You have known each other from the first glance of acquaintance to this point of commitment. At some point, you decided to marry. From that moment of “yes”, to this moment of “yes”, indeed, you have been making commitments in an informal way.

coupleAll of those conversations that were held in a car, or over a meal, or during long walks – all those conversations that began with, “When we’re married”, and continued with “I will” and “you will” and “we will” – all those

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